
Το υλικό που παρουσιάζεται εδώ είναι μόνο για ενημερωτικούς και εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς και ΔΕΝ αποτελεί σε καμία περίπτωση πρόταση για θεραπεία οποιασδήποτε ασθένειας, για την οποία θα πρέπει να απευθύνεστε σε επαγγελματία ιατρό. Ο δημιουργός του παρόντος ιστολογίου δε φέρει, επίσης, καμία ευθύνη για το περιεχόμενο των συνδέσμων που εμφανίζονται

Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2008

Μεταβολική θεραπεία και καρκίνος

Σύμφωνα με τη θεωρία που παρουσιάζεται ακολούθως ο καρκίνος δεν είναι, όπως πιστεύουμε σήμερα, ασθένεια ενός οργάνου, αλλά ασθένεια που προκαλείται από την έλλειψη κάποιων συστατικών, όπως π.χ. το σκορβούτο από την έλλειψη της βιταμίνης C.
by Harold W. Manner, Ph.D.
Metabolic Research Foundation in collaboration with
Manner Memorial Hospital and Cyto Pharma de Mexico, S.A


In Recent years a significant reassessment of the nature and causes of cancer has taken place. Cancer was formerly believed to be a localised disease, characterised by a lesion, usually in the form of a growth, which appeared at some specific part of the body. This Localised lesion was thought to be the result of activity produced by an invading virus, carcinogenic agent or some form of trauma such as a blow.

Today, there is a growing conviction among researchers and physicians that cancer is a complex disease that is the end result of a disturbed metabolism (body chemistry). It is an insidious disease that involves the entire body; the nervous system, digestive tract, pancreas, lungs, excretory organs, endocrine system, and the entire defence mechanisms. The frequent reoccurrence of a malignancy after treatment with the conventional methods of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy results because the basic underlying metabolic cause of the cancer is rarely considered and consequently remains uncorrected.

Cancer Aetiology

In the human body there are many thousands of cells that are arrested, during development, at an embryonic stage. These cells are called mesenchymal cells, fibroblasts, neoblasts, etc. Their primary function is repair. When a bone is broken, these cells are able to transform into bone cells. If blood is lost, these same cells are able to transform into blood cells. They are truly pluripotential and can react to any number of morphogenetic stimuli. These same cells, when subjected to carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) develop into cancer cells. Each day, in every human being, large numbers of these normal embryonic cells become cancerous. They rarely, however, become the diseases that we call cancer due to a remarkable system called the immune system. The function of this system is to destroy or neutralise all foreign material in the body. Once an embryonic cell becomes a cancer cell it is, from a biochemical view, foreign to the body. We, therefore, continue to remain healthy because the lymphocytes, macrophages, and other components of the immune system are able to neutralise or destroy these cells and prevent their spreading and multiplication. These cancer cells are normally destroyed by our body's defence mechanisms within a few hours.

If the immune system, however, is weakened from poor nutrition, excessive environmental pollutants or continuing debilitating stress, the cancer cells are uninhibited and will multiply rapidly forming the symptomatic "growth" of cancer. Our immune system generally weakens with advancing age. This increases the possibility of degenerative metabolic diseases occurring. One of the primary objectives of all metabolic therapy is to revitalise the body's immune system and to restore it to a fully functional condition. Accomplishment of this goal permits the immune system to eliminate or otherwise negate the cancer cells before they can begin an invasive growth.

Metabolic Physicians and researchers believe that we can remain healthy if we supply the individual cells of the body with the proper amounts of oxygen, nutrients, enzymes, minerals, amino acids, and other essential nutrients from both our diet and nutritional supplements. Of equal importance is the ability of the body to eliminate the waste products of cellular metabolism through proper bowel movements, efficient breathing, normal excretion, etc. Treatments must be provided which will help the body detoxify itself by eliminating harmful pollutants. This, in essence, is the heart of metabolic therapy. It is a multi-faceted program incorporating numerous related elements, each of which plays an important role in the success of the complete therapy.

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