
Το υλικό που παρουσιάζεται εδώ είναι μόνο για ενημερωτικούς και εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς και ΔΕΝ αποτελεί σε καμία περίπτωση πρόταση για θεραπεία οποιασδήποτε ασθένειας, για την οποία θα πρέπει να απευθύνεστε σε επαγγελματία ιατρό. Ο δημιουργός του παρόντος ιστολογίου δε φέρει, επίσης, καμία ευθύνη για το περιεχόμενο των συνδέσμων που εμφανίζονται

Τετάρτη 18 Ιουνίου 2008

Budwig Protocol

Η Dr. Johana Budwig (1908-2003), Γερμανίδα χημικός, φαρμακολόγος και φυσικός εξέλιξε τη δίαιτα Budwig ή αλλιώς Budwig protocol , το οποίο στηρίζεται στην κατανάλωση τροφών πλούσιων σε λινολεϊκό και λινολενικό οξύ, πρακτικά την ανάμειξη λινελαίου ή λιναρόσπορου με τυρί cottage. Το πρωτόκολλο αυτό θεωρείται από πολλούς εναλλακτικούς ως ευεργετικό (να μην πούμε θεραπεία και μας κυνηγήσουν) σχεδόν όλων των μορφών καρκίνου, κυρίως αυτών του μαστού και του προστάτη (των ορμονοεξαρτώμενων δηλαδή). Αξίζει να το ψάξετε περισσότερο. Ένα βίντεο μπορείτε να δείτε εδώ.

Viewing the Budwig Protocol

As usual, when I discover something extremely beneficial, I try to touch every life I can with the information. In this case, I find myself repeating this “news” so much I am writing my interpretation of the information to pass out along with the websites I gleaned it from. Please correct me if you disagree with (or have additional information to consider) this summary of the websites I’ll list later. Certainly, I cannot say this is a cure-all for cancer since diet, emotional lifestyles, etc. figure into the mix; but so many have been helped that the joy has been spreading. Thus, it must be stated that the information provided needs to be scientifically substantiated despite numerous testimonies from people who seem to have benefitted from Dr. Budwig’s work. Statements herein have not been evaluated by the FDA, are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for medical claims or to take the place of a physician. These products and/or statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
This past summer we noticed my mother’s minister (diagnosed with cancer) improving in energy over a period of four Sundays, even while the debilitating, weakening process of chemotherapy continued on and on. He explained that he was on the Budwig Protocol and a diet similar to the one Bill is using to (as of 4/15/2000) reverse his heart disease. To digress with a little bit of history here, first: Dr. Otto Warburg (1931 and 1944 Nobel Prize winner) stated, “...the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.” Then, about twenty years later a (seven-time Nobel Prize nominee) German medical doctor and PhD scientist, Dr. Johanna Budwig, studied 1000’s of blood samples and discovered healthy people had a higher content of omega 3 oils in their blood than those who are ill. Dr. Budwig proclaims, "It is amazing how quickly the tumor, for instance with colon cancer, is being eliminated. Even with an old patient of 84 years who was scheduled for an operation because of his colon threatening to become blocked, I was able to achieve the complete elimination of the tumor and the patient’s restoration to health within a few days. These are not isolated cases, in fact 99% of the sick that come to see me to use the biological method of cancer therapy, are cancer patients who have had operations and radiation sessions, and who were diagnosed as being too far advanced for another operation to be of any help. Even in these cases health can be restored, usually within a few months, I would say in 90% of cases."
Also, “a Purdue University study showed that kids low in Omega-3 essential fatty acidsare significantly more likely to be hyperactive, have learning disorders, and to display behavioral problems. Omega-3 deficiencies have also been tied to dyslexia, violence, depression, memory problems, weight gain, cancer, heart disease, eczema, allergies, inflammatory diseases, arthritis, diabetes, and many other conditions. Over 2,000 scientific studies have demonstrated the wide range of problems associated with Omega-3 deficiencies.” Pertaining to Dr. Budwig’s method, Dr. Dan C. Roehm was quoted as saying, “cancer is easily curable” and “...this diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world.” He added, “I only wish that all my patients had a PhD in Biochemistry and Quantum Physics to enable them to see how with such consummate skill this diet was put together.” This is the simple formula by Dr. Budwig that can be created in a homemaker’s kitchen: she simply combined omega 3 fatty acids with sulfuric protein to produce a new food that was “different from either of its components”6 and which brought oxygen to the cells. “...By combining the protein with the oil, the oil becomes water soluble in the body and can be absorbed more readily. It can enter the smallest capillaries, dissolving any of the undesirable fats and cleaning out the veins and arteries.” What did she use? Flaxseed oil and the German quark - or organic, non-fat (if possible) cottage cheese in America. Is there an American company that provides quality flaxseed oil? Bruce Barlean (from the Barlean Company) traveled to Germany to meet Dr. Budwig. “At first Dr. Budwig seemed a bit suspicious of the fresh taste she experienced with the Barlean's product,’ says Bruce. Dr. Budwig (who we understand died in 2003 at the age of 96 -R.H.) soon endorsed the product... Barlean’s presses the flax seed on the same day orders are received, then ships them out the next morning via 3-day air to refrigerated shelves in retail stores. Consumers receive oils that are as fresh as those produced by small seed oil pressers a century ago.” Some competitors also, we understand, overpress the flax, resulting in “damaged seed oil, increased temperature, induced deterioration...” These higher temperatures are a concern because “the substance that is so important for respiration is very heat sensitive. It will be destroyed at approximately 42/ C (orapproximately 108/ F).”10 Allen (information on him later) cautions, “If you purchase flaxseed oil in a bottle from a store, make sure it has been stored in a refrigerator or freezer. Flaxseed oil is ultra-sensitive to light, air, and heat (in that order). Barlean’s provides a press date and a four-month expiration date (some marketers are using 6 – 9 month expirations). Also, it helps to know that one ounce of Barlean (company) flax oil equals two tablespoons.”

To repeat, the omega 3’s in the flax oil (FO) and the sulfuric protein in the cottage cheese (CC) combine to make a “new” water-soluble food that brings respiration to the cells. The body also converts it to EPA/DHA,11 as well (which are reportedly good for the heart). Check the websites at the end for a list of diseases that this combination seems to help. In a session where questions are answered on a German website (you have to get past a lot of strange beliefs and ideas unrelated to Dr. Budwig’s Protocol)12 frequently by direct translations of Dr. Budwig’s books into English (only two of her many books are in English), much truth can be found. For example, read this answer to questions 3 and 4: Dr. Budwig’s interpreter explains, “We take in too many ‘electron thieves’ because we eat foods and poisons which block cell respiration. Known ‘electron thieves’ are, for example, margarine, butter, animal fats, nitrates, radiation, and zycostatics (chemotherapy). They all prevent the uptake of electrons. Interestingly, belonging to this also are anti-oxidants like, for example, vitamins from a certain level on…” Dr. Budwig was very protective over her work and would take on anyone who would change it, according to two men I have met who had personal contact with her, Allen Wenzel and Cliff Beckwith. These two have been of immense help to me in my research. Allen (www.allensclub.com) got involved with this 13 years ago because of his caring heart which is manifested in his much-discounted flax oil prices. He warns to be careful – some companies try to make it look like they have kept the original lignans in the oil by adding ground flax seed afterward. He also can explain the details of the Barlean Company’s cautions concerning the flax oil’s heat, light, and oxygen
exposure. He is such a knowledgeable resource and so willing to answer questions. He also has important information about the original formula of Essiac tea, which has been praised by thousands as being significantly beneficial too.
Clifford Beckwith ended up making a tape to help people in 1998 (which he has continued to update). He has given away 5500 copies since he produced it, and Dr. Budwig herself liked it so much she invited him to her 88th birthday party in Germany. This was quite a compliment since she was very particular about how her research was represented. To obtain a tape (or CD), you can find him at www.BeckwithFamily.com. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 69 simultaneously with another man having the same kind; but that man died 6 months later. Mr. Beckwith is now 83. His tape (or CD) explains how much to take of the FO/CC and gives multitudinous testimonies of survivors. Mr. Beckwith has crucial information on his tape that space does not permit discussing here. He says the following on a portion of his tape/CD transcript that you can find in its totality online at www.BeckwithFamily.com/Flax1.html: “Depending on the severity of the condition she had her patients use 3 to 6 tablespoons of flaxseed oil a day, with at least 4 oz or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese per day. “I would use at least 1/4 cup cottage cheese per tablespoons of oil. If 4 or less tablespoons were used per day and I'd split that up so that I took them at 4 different times, although there are no specific guidelines. I have learned recently that Dr. Budwig recommends that the oil and the cottage cheese be thoroughly mixed before eating it. I have realized that an excellent approach would be to mix however many tablespoons of flax oil one plans to use each day in a bowl with at least a half cup of cottage cheese and some fruit (such as crushed pineapple or frozen strawberries), put it in the refrigerator, and eat a portion of it at different times during the day. For two and a half years I put a half cup of cottage cheese in a bowl, added 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, mixed in some crushed pineapple or frozen strawberries or honey and took it to school for lunch - that tasted good. An excellent method of mixing is with the use of a small hand-held blender. Milk or juice may need to be added to make the mixture thin enough so that the little motor may be able to handle it. “After 3 months of treatment, the blood would be bright red, the tumors disappearing, and the amount of oil reduced to 1 Tbs. per day per hundred pounds body weight for maintenance. Yogurt will take the place of cottage cheese but more of it is needed; actually, about three times as much and if fruited yogurt is used it would need to be even more. “Flaxseed oil is increasingly available in health food stores though it must be kept fresh and cold. It will keep a year in a freezer, 4 months in a refrigerator, but only 3 weeks at room temperature.” It is also significant to note that in the book, How to Fight Cancer and Win, a menu was given using Dr. Budwig’s methods for a seriously ill patient named Jane D. If our calculations are correct in sorting out the tablespoons of flax oil from the rest of the diet that day, it appears that she was given up to approximately ten tablespoons of flax oil. Finally, for those concerned with weight gain or loss, a thought-provoking article by Jade Butler, “Weight Loss with Flaxseed Oil, the Non-Fat Fat,” can be found at http://www.barleans.com/literature/flax/61-weight-loss.html

Σάββατο 7 Ιουνίου 2008

Mistletoe:Το γνωστό μας γκυ

Ένα ακόμη "θαυματουργό" δημιούργημα της φύσης είναι το γκυ. Διάφοροι μύθοι και παραδόσεις συνδέονται με αυτό, αυτό όμως που δεν είναι τόσο γνωστό είναι οι θεραπευτικές του ιδιότητες, ειδικά αυτές που συνδέονται με την καταπολέμηση του καρκίνου και τη συρρίκνωση των όγκων. Στις ΗΠΑ η χρήση του είναι απαγορευμένη, αλλά στην Ευρώπη και ιδιαίτερα στη Γερμανία χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως. Περισσότερα μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ, εδώ και εδώ.

Τετάρτη 28 Μαΐου 2008

Λιπαρά (προς κατανάλωση & προς αποφυγή)

Μια που η ιστορία με το Ορυκτέλαιο-Ηλιέλαιο είναι νωπή ακόμη, ας ενημερωθούμε για τα λιπαρά:

Fats to Consume

1. Organic, free-range animal meats and fats such as lard, tallow etc. Good for cooking at high heat.

2. Fish (Or due to the high levels of heavy metals and other toxins in fish today, high quality fish-oil supplements may be a good option. These should come from wild fish that have been filtered for heavy metal toxicity and other metal toxicity.)

3. Organic, free-range eggs – the whole complete egg including the yolk, which should be kept intact during cooking to prevent oxidizing the cholesterol in the yolk. Best methods are boiling or low-temperature poaching and frying.

4. Raw nuts, soaked before eating to break down the phyto-nutrients and makes all the nutrients more bio-available.

5. Avocados – a good source of monounsaturated oleic acid.

6. Cold-pressed, unfiltered organic olive oil – a good source of monounsaturated oleic acid and may be used for cooking at moderate temps.

7. Butter, raw if possible – Butter has many benefits including fat-soluble vitamins, short and medium chain FA, small, but equal amounts of Ω-3 and Ω-6 FA, conjugated linoleic acid (if the butter is from pasture-fed cows only - this has strong anti-cancer properties), lecithin, cholesterol, trace minerals and more.

8. Ghee (clarified butter)

9. Coconut oil or butter – high in medium-chain FA that is good for using at high heat.

10. Pumpkin seed oil

11. Flax seed oil – very high Ω-3 content. Always keep refrigerated and never heat.

12. Castor oil

13. Cod liver oil

14. Palm oil - Good for cooking at high heat.

Fats to avoid or limit

1. Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils - These contain trans-fatty acids that look more like plastic than fats under a microscope. Your body is not designed to eat plastics!

2. Canola oil – Has high sulphur content, goes rancid easily, contains trans-fatty acids (created during deodorizing of oil), can cause deficiency of Vitamin E and may cause fibrotic heart lesions.

3. Soy oil – highly processes and high in Ω-6 Fatty Acids

4. Corn, safflower, cottonseed and sunflower oils – high in Ω-6 FA, very low in Ω-3

5. Peanut and sesame oils - OK for cooking at moderate temps, but limit the use because of Ω-6 FA content.

Κυριακή 18 Μαΐου 2008

Φλεγμονή και Καρκίνος

Παρακάτω μπορείτε να διαβάσετε ένα αρθρο του Εθνικού Ινστιτούτου των ΗΠΑ για τον Καρκίνο (NCI, http://www.cancer.gov/) σχετικά με τη σύνδεση της χρόνιας φλεγμονής και την γέννεση και πολλαπλασιασμό των καρκινικών κυττάρων. Στο σύνδεσμο μετά το άρθρο μπορείτε να διαβάσετε για την ανακάλυψη των ερευνητών του Πανεπιστημίου της Καλιφόρνια στο San Diego, αναφορικά με τη μοριακή σχέση της φλεγμονής και του καρκίνου.

Executive Summary of Inflammation and Cancer Think Tank

Inflammation is a response to acute tissue damage, whether resulting from physical injury, ischemic injury, infection, exposure to toxins, or other types of trauma. It can play a role in tumor suppression by stimulating an antitumor immune response, but more often it appears to stimulate tumor development. Epidemiologic and clinical research indicates an increased risk of certain cancers in the setting of chronic inflammation. For example, two inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, predispose to cancers of the intestinal tract. Basic research, in turn, has shown that many of the processes involved in inflammation (e.g., leukocyte migration, dilatation of local vasculature with increased permeability and blood flow, angiogenesis), when found in association with tumors, are more likely to contribute to tumor growth, progression, and metastasis than to elicit an effective host anti-tumor response.
Interestingly, inflammation functions at all three stages of tumor development: initiation, progression and metastasis. Inflammation contributes to initiation by inducing the release of a variety of cytokines and chemokines that alert the vasculature to release inflammatory cells and factors into the tissue milieu, thereby causing oxidative damage, DNA mutations, and other changes in the microenvironment, making it more conducive to cell transformation, increased survival and proliferation.
Chronic inflammation appears to contribute to tumor progression by establishing a milieu conducive to development of different cancers. However the precise mechanism by which it does so remains to be determined. Infection is a common cause of inflammation, and evidence indicates that the presence of microbes can be a cofactor in the tumor promoting effects of inflammation.
Tumor cells produce various substances that attract inflammatory cells, which then secrete an array of soluble mediators. These further stimulate proliferation of the initiated cell, tissue disruption in the stroma, and tumor growth. Leukocyte infiltration, and particularly macrophages, can lead to enhanced angiogenesis, which is associated with a poor prognosis in some tissues.
The role of inflammation in metastasis is less well defined than its roles in cancer initiation and progression. The soluble mediators secreted by tumor-associated leukocytes promote cell motility, and induce angiogenesis, vascular dilation and extravasation of tumor cells. Particularly interesting is the recent finding that metastatic cells leave the tumor as microcolonies, containing lymphocytes and platelets as well as the tumor cell. Inflammation continues to play a role at metastatic sites by creating a cytokine milieu conducive to tumor growth.
Although there is a strong association between chronic inflammation and cancer, investigators have not yet uncovered all the molecules, pathways, and mechanisms involved, and numerous questions remain to be resolved about the mechanisms and targets of pro-inflammatory mediators of tumor development. These are articulated in the body of the report and the recommendations that follow. Furthermore, to understand the role of inflammation in tumor formation and progression, we also need to understand its role in maintaining homeostasis and responding to damage in normal tissue. An appreciation of the importance of inflammation has already led to clinical trials of anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., COX-2 inhibitors) for cancer prophylaxis and treatment. The results obtained will provide clues to the dominant mechanisms at work, and will help in the design of a new generation of interventions.

Inflammation involves a complex set of interactions between soluble mediators and immunocytes, triggered in response to tissue injuries that include trauma, infection, toxic agents and autoimmune responses. Such injuries trigger a cascade of cellular infiltrations and cytokine releases that result in local cellular proliferation and repair of tissue damaged. While sustained proliferation alone is insufficient to initiate cancer, a functional relationship between inflammation and cancer has been recognized for a long time. The current discussions centered on our current understanding of the role of inflammation in cancer initiation, progression and metastasis and highlighted areas in which there are major, unresolved questions.

Discussion Themes
I. Inflammation and Cancer Initiation

Although inflammation is a necessary response to clear viral infections, to repair tissue insults - either chemical exposure or injury- and suppress tumor initiation/progression, chronic inflammation is also clearly correlated with increased risk of developing cancer. Inflammation may become chronic either because an inflammatory stimulus persists or because of dysregulation in the control mechanisms that normally turn the process off. Many of the cells, cytokines and systems (e.g., leukocyte migration, dilatation of the local vasculature and angiogenesis) involved in inflammation are also found in a variety of tumors. Chronic inflammation caused by intestinal flora leading to the inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, is clearly linked with a higher incidence of colon cancer. The use of mouse models has furthered our understanding of the contributing cellular and molecular factors in colon cancer. Similarly, dietary intake of proinflammatory carcinogens has been associated with prostate cancer. Chronic inflammation resulting from esophageal reflux gives rise to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Barrett’s esophagus, also linked with a higher incidence of cancer. In the case of Barrett’s, chronic inflammation leads to the production of TNF". This, in turn, induces the nuclear translocation of $-catenin and transcriptional activation of proliferative signals.
The molecular basis for the increased risk is thought to be two-fold: 1) generation by inflammatory macrophages of reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) species leads to DNA damage in the surrounding epithelial cells and 2) enhanced proliferative signals mediated by cytokines released by inflammatory cells increase the number of cells at risk for mutations. In combination, DNA damage and proliferative signals create a circumstance conducive to the development of cancer. ROS and RNS can cause extensive damage to essential proteins (e.g., DNA repair enzymes), to DNA and to the mitochondria through a series or cascade of reactions. Among the many possible mutations that may result from oxidative DNA damage are the formation of single- and/or double-stranded breaks and the stimulation of recombination events. Free-radical damage can be caused by the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin enzyme, cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), which leads to the production of highly reactive peroxide intermediates at high levels in a local tissue environment. Drugs that selectively inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, including NSAIDs, are being studied to determine their impact on local tumor biology and development, and in clinical trials. Recent studies have suggested protective effects of COX-2 inhibitors in colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Several small studies of colorectal, non-small cell lung cancer, breast, cervical and esophageal tumors have shown that increased COX-2 levels are associated with poor clinical prognosis. Animal models for colorectal cancer show similar patterns of COX-2 expression and response to COX-2 inhibitors as human neoplasias.
Inflammation results in the recruitment of leukocytes secreting a variety of proliferative cytokines and angiogenic factors to the site of tissue insult. These cytokines, necessary for proper wound healing, stimulate epithelial proliferation, which if unchecked could lead to dysplasias and ultimately cancer. Paradoxically, cytokine deficiency (e.g., GM-CSF, IL-2 and IFN() can also lead to tumor development. Immune homeostasis consists of a succession of pro- and anti-inflammatory signals. Loss of the anti-inflammatory signals leads to chronic inflammation and proliferative signaling. The mechanisms involved in the interplay of microbes and defective immune homeostasis is an area that requires further delineation. Future steps will involve clinical studies to determine whether individuals have polymorphisms or genetic variations that affect specific cytokine pathways.
The discussion highlighted the duality of inflammation in controlling and promoting tumor development. While chronic inflammation can establish conditions conducive to tumor initiation and progression, compelling data also suggest that the presence of lymphocytic infiltrates in a variety of tumors is associated with a good clinical outcome. The major challenge in this area is to understand the balance between inflammatory tumor suppression and promotion and how to control it.

II. Inflammation and Cancer Progression
It is generally accepted that chronic inflammation – triggered by toxins, microbes or autoimmune reactions – plays a major role as a tumor promoter. However, the precise function of inflammation in tumor progression remains to be elucidated. Tumor cells produce various cytokines and chemokines that attract leukocytes, which in turn produce cytokines and chemokines that stimulate further tumor cell proliferation; the inflammatory tumor microenvironment is characterized by the presence of host leukocytes both in the stroma and around the tumor. A developing neoplasm can contain a diverse leukocyte population, including neutrophils, dendritic cells, macrophages, eosinophils, mast cells and lymphocytes. These inflammatory cells secrete an array of cytokines, interleukins, interferons and other soluble mediators and further induce secretion of cytokines by resident stromal cells.
Interestingly, both cytokines that promote and suppress proliferation of the tumor cells are produced. As in the case of cancer initiation, it is the imbalance between the effects of these two classes of activity that results in tumor promotion. For example, in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4, monocytes differentiate into immature dendritic cells, which migrate into inflamed peripheral tissue, capture antigens and then migrate to lymph nodes to stimulate T lymphocyte activation. Deletion of GM-CSF from Polyoma T transgenic mice reduces cancer progression. This is correlated with reduced macrophage infiltrates, which play a major role in the transition from adenoma to carcinoma. GM-CSF vaccines that stimulate dendritic cell and T cell responses are being combined with anti-CTLA4 treatment in clinical trials to potentiate the anti-tumor response.
In contrast, IL-6 and CSF-1 secreted by tumor cells can skew monocyte differentiation towards the macrophage lineage. Although tumor associated macrophages can kill tumor cells when activated by IL-2, IL-12 or interferon, they also produce a host of compounds – angiogenic factors, growth factors, proteases and cytokines – that either contribute to cancer progression or blunt the anti-tumor response. Macrophages generate a variety of proteases, including cathepsin B, which contribute to tumor growth. Stromal fibroblasts and monocytes enhance this proteolysis. During tumor progression, the degradation of the matrix and stromal fibroblasts appears to be focal, suggesting that widespread degradation may not be necessary for tumor growth. In mammary cancer models, a variety of leukocytes are found at the tumor-stroma interface. A complex interaction between tumor, stroma and inflammatory cells results in the secretion of protease and matrix degradation and the entrapment and degradation of fibroblasts by the tumor.
Other studies have indicated that hypoxia signaling pathways are engaged very early in cancer development. Hypoxia stabilizes HIF-1" which in turn induces VEGF secretion by epithelial cells that stimulates microvascularization and angiogenesis.
The spatial relationship between inflammatory cells and tumors is now being investigated by imaging of a range of live human tumor and associated cells. Examination of the interaction reveals that although T cells will home to the tumor, they stay on the periphery and do not enter. Real-time images of mammary tumors in mice show that the tumor regions are metabolically active, compared with surrounding stroma and fat cells. These regions also have a much greater inflammatory response; associated immune cells, particulary T cells, are very active and mobile. In mammary cancer models, imaging reveals that tumor associated macrophages preferentially line up along the lumenal side of the tumor-associated vessels. Macrophages in this region are relatively static, whereas those at the stromal interface are very active and motile, suggesting differential behavior within the tumor. The functional significance of this remains to be determined.
Although the role of inflammatory cells and soluble mediators in tumor progression is now well documented, the details of the cellular and molecular interplay between stroma and tumor progression remain to be elucidated.

III. Inflammation and Metastasis
Unlike tumor progression, where the role of inflammation in promoting cancer cell proliferation and stromal/matrix degradation is reasonably well understood, the role of inflammation in metastasis is less well defined, although appears to be important. The cytokines and chemokines secreted by tumor associated macrophages and leukocytes promote cell motility and induce angiogenesis and the growth of tumor-associated vessels, providing an egress route for metastatic tumor cells. The leukocytes also promote vessel dilation and extravasation of tumor cells. Particularly intriguing is the observation that metastatic cells leave the tumor as microcolonies, containing lymphocytes and platelets, the latter allowing attachment to distal organ sites. Tumors that are unable to form such microcolonies are not malignant.
At the distal, metastatic sites, evidence suggests that inflammation continues to play a role in the establishment of metastases. At the sites of prostate cancer metastases in the bone, inflammation triggers the secretion of TGF-β by osteoclasts. TGF-β in turn induces the cancer cells to secrete PDGF which further stimulates the osteoclasts, leading to bone degradation and stimulation of cancer cell growth. PDGFR on tumor-associated endothelial cells increases their levels of bcl-2 and bcl-xl, rendering them resistant to apoptosis and chemotherapy. Similarly, in brain metastases of melanoma, astrocytic infiltrates upregulate MDR (multiple drug resistance) in the tumor cells, making them more resistant to chemotherapy.

Next Steps and Important Questions
Despite the evidence for the role of inflammation in cancer intiation, progression and metastases, other evidence suggests that cancer proceeds through inflammation-dependent and independent stages. These stages need to be defined and characterized.
To better understand the critical role of inflammation in initiating and modulating tumor behavior, host-pathogen interactions need to be defined at a molecular level, the phenotypes of hematopoeitic cells (leukocytes, monocytes, platelets, etc) involved in wound repair and tumor initiation need to be characterized and the roles of endocrinological mediators on inflammation need to be examined.
To better understand the role of inflammation in tumor progression, tumor stage should be correlated with intensity and repertoire of hematopoietic infiltrates and with the levels of cytokines and proteases present; biomarkers for pre-malignant and malignant lesions need to be identified and validated.
To better understand the role of inflammation in metastasis, better pre-clinical models need to be developed, the molecular relationship between primary and metastatic tumor cells needs to be resolved, the nature of the inflammatory responses that influence primary versus metastatic tumor need to be determined, and the role of the hematopoietic network in tumor extravasation and migration needs to be elucidated.
Real-time imaging models need to be refined and extended to allow better definition of the relationship between inflammatory and tumor cells that influence the cancer initiation, progression and metastasis process.
Tumor immunotherapy approaches should include targeted intervention of inflammation-mediated growth, pairing molecular information of inflammatory infiltrates with that of specific tumors. Therapy should be specifically directed to both the organ microenvironment and the tumor.

Specific Recommendations for the NCI:
-Continue to support basic research aimed at characterizing the role of inflammation at all stages of cancer and specifically at determining the role of hematopoeitic cells in both metastasis and normal development.
-Encourage collaborative studies between basic and clinical investigators.

-Support studies that characterize inflammatory cells in the tumor microenvironment and correlate these with clinical outcomes and prognosis
-Consider mechanisms to stimulate multi-agency, multi-institutional and transdisciplinary collaborations to more rigorously define critical interactions that occur between tumor cells and their inflammatory microenvironment.
-Sponsor a series of workshops and/or interactive fora on inflammation and cancer that interface experts from different disciplines (i.e., toxicologists, cellular and tumor immunologists, systems biologists, cancer biologists).
-Develop and standardize reagents and protocols for analysis of archived tissues. -Establish a uniform database of existing reagents and well-defined and catalogued tumor types that are or are not associated with inflammation.
-Establish and make available conditional tissue- or cell-specific pre-clinical models to study the biology of inflammation-dependent cancers and to stimulate novel prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
-Consider mechanisms to provide investigators with

1. access to imaging tools for in vitro and in vivo analysis to characterize immunocyte/tumor interactions.
2. more sophisticated and cheaper imaging modalities, perhaps by encouraging development in the private sector through the SBIR mechanism
3. training in the use and application of imaging techniques

"Molecular Link Between Inflammation And Cancer Discovered"

Έρευνα - σοκ στις HΠA: καρκινογόνα κοκτέιλ στα καλλυντικά

Αντιγράφω από μήνυμα που μου ήρθε σήμερα. Τις μάρκες των προϊόντων για ευνόητους λόγους τις διέγραψα και τις αντικατέστησα με την γενικότερη κατηγορία καλλυντικών που ανήκουν.

"Ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται στην παρασκευή των καλλυντικών απορροφώνται από το σώμα και στη συνέχεια μπορεί να αποθηκευτούν στο συκώτι, τους νεφρούς, τα όργανα αναπαραγωγής και τον εγκέφαλο. Κρέμες σώματος, αφρόλουτρα, βαφές μαλλιών, σαμπουάν, αποσμητικά... Ο κατάλογος είναι μακρύς. Πόσα καλλυντικά προϊόντα χρησιμοποιούμε καθημερινά και πόσο ασφαλή είναι για την υγεία μας; Πολλά από αυτά δεν έχουν καν δοκιμαστεί ώστε να επιβεβαιωθεί ότι είναι απολύτως ακίνδυνα.
Χημικές ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται στην αρωματοβιομηχανία έχουν εντοπιστεί σε μητρικό γάλα.

Ούτε ένα, ούτε δύο, αλλά εννέα κατά μέσο όρο είναι τα προϊόντα προσωπικής περιποίησης που χρησιμοποιούμε καθημερινά. Όλα μαζί, περιέχουν 126 διαφορετικά συστατικά. Πολλά από αυτά μάλιστα δεν έχουν δοκιμαστεί ώστε να διαπιστωθεί η αντίδραση του δέρματος - για παράδειγμα, αν προκαλούν ερυθρότητα ή εξανθήματα - και οι μακροχρόνιες επιδράσεις τους στον άνθρωπο ή στο περιβάλλον. Λόγω της απουσίας αυτών των ελέγχων, η αμερικανική Υπηρεσία Τροφίμων και Φαρμάκων (FDA), σε μια ενέργεια χωρίς προηγούμενο, εξέδωσε προειδοποίηση στη βιομηχανία καλλυντικών ότι... είναι καιρός να αρχίσει να ενημερώνει τους καταναλωτές ότι τα περισσότερα είδη προσωπικής φροντίδας δεν έχουν δοκιμαστεί για την ασφάλειά τους. Αυτό που κυρίως απασχολεί τους επιστήμονες στη FDA και τις περιβαλλοντικές οργανώσεις είναι οι τυχόν επιδράσεις στον άνθρωπο και στο περιβάλλον από την τακτική χρήση αυτού του «κοκτέιλ» των καλλυντικών. Πολλές από τις ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται στην παρασκευή των καλλυντικών προϊόντων απορροφώνται από το σώμα και στη συνέχεια μπορεί να αποθηκευτούν στον λιπώδη ιστό, στο συκώτι, τους νεφρούς, τα όργανα αναπαραγωγής και τον εγκέφαλο.

Υστερία; H βιομηχανία καλλυντικών κάνει λόγο για αδικαιολόγητη υστερία, όμως οι επιστήμονες απαντούν ότι εντοπίζουν βιομηχανικούς πλαστικοποιητές όπως τα φθαλάτη στα ούρα, συντηρητικά (όπως οι παραβένες) σε ιστό όγκων μαστού, αντιμικροβιακές (Triclosan) αλλά και χημικές ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται στην αρωματοβιομηχανία (π.χ. ξυλένιο) σε μητρικό γάλα. Άλλωστε, η ιατρική έρευνα έχει αποδείξει ότι τα αρώματα μπορεί να συνδεθούν με το άσθμα, οι καθαριστικές ουσίες στα σαμπουάν μπορεί να προκαλέσουν βλάβη στον ιστό του ματιού, ενώ οι βαφές μαλλιών πιστεύεται ότι αυξάνουν τις πιθανότητες ανάπτυξης καρκίνου στην ουροδόχο κύστη αλλά και λεμφώματος. Κι αν όλα αυτά σάς φαίνονται πολύ δραματικά, ρίξτε μια ματιά στα παρακάτω προϊόντα:

1. Γαλάκτωμα σώματος: Εκτός από ημισυνθετικά λιπαρά οξέα, το προϊόν περιέχει ένα είδος αλκοόλης και γλυκερίνη, τα οποία είναι δυνατόν να προκαλέσουν ξηρότητα στο δέρμα, ύστερα από συχνή χρήση. Περιέχει επίσης αρκετά αλλεργιογόνα και μία ουσία δυνάμει καρκινογόνο, τη λεμονίνη. Περίπου το ένα τρίτο των συστατικών που περιλαμβάνονται στον κατάλογό του είναι αρωματικές ουσίες που είναι γνωστές για την ερεθιστική τους δράση, καθώς και χημικά, τα οποία μπορούν να προκαλέσουν αλλεργικές αντιδράσεις, ύστερα από συχνή χρήση του προϊόντος.

2. Στοματικό διάλυμα για άμυνα των δοντιών και των ούλων: Αυτό το στοματικό διάλυμα περιέχει αλκοόλη σε ποσοστό 21,6 %. Η αλκοόλη ξηραίνει και αλλάζει το ph του στόματος και του φάρυγγα, ενώ η μακρόχρονη χρήση διαλύματος που περιέχει αλκοόλη αυξάνει τον κίνδυνο ανάπτυξης καρκίνου στο στόμα και στο φάρυγγα. Επίσης, το φθόριο σε μεγάλες ποσότητες είναι δηλητηριώδες μετά την κατάποση, ενώ το γλυκαντικό σακχαρίνη προκαλεί καρκίνο στην ουροδόχο κύστη στα ζώα.. Τέλος, οι συνθετικές χρωστικές ουσίες, τα αρώματα και οι γεύσεις, παρασκευάζονται από διαλύτες, οι οποίοι μπορούν να αλλάξουν τη χλωρίδα του στόματος και να προκαλέσουν δερματίτιδα.

3. Αφρόλουτρο για μωρά: Η επιδερμίδα των παιδιών είναι πιο λεπτή και περισσότερο απορροφητική από των ενηλίκων, συνιστά λοιπόν ένα λιγότερο αποτελεσματικό φράγμα στις χημικές τοξίνες. Η συχνότητα εκζεμάτων και αλλεργιών στα παιδιά αυξάνεται και η πρώιμη χρήση ειδών καλλωπισμού στο ευαίσθητο δέρμα τους ίσως να παίζει κάποιον ρόλο. Αφού το σαπούνι κάνει ότι πρέπει να γίνει, γιατί να εκθέτετε το παιδί σας σε ουσίες ερεθιστικές για το δέρμα και τα μάτια όπως η λαυρική σορβιτάνη ή το λαυρικό θειικό νάτριο;

4. Σαμπουάν για ξηρά και ταλαιπωρημένα μαλλιά: Μπορεί να φαίνεται ελκυστικό και να μυρίζει ωραία, όμως για την παρασκευή του έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί τέσσερα εν δυνάμει καρκινογόνα χρωστικά (Cl 17200, Cl 15510, Cl 42053, Cl 60730). Το άρωμά του αποδίδεται σε συνθετικά αρώματα, τα οποία είναι γνωστές νευροτοξίνες και παράγοντες που ερεθίζουν το δέρμα. Ανάμεσα στις καθαριστικές ουσίες που περιέχει, το λαουροθειικό νάτριο, μπορεί να προκαλέσει ερεθισμό του δέρματος καθώς και μόνιμη βλάβη στον ιστό του ματιού.

5. Οδοντόκρεμα: Οι κοινές οδοντόκρεμες συνήθως περιέχουν καθαριστικές ουσίες που προκαλούν ερεθισμούς, όπως το λαουροθειικό νάτριο. Η T.... περιέχει μια ουσία, (PVM/MA copolymer), η οποία κολλά τα ενεργά συστατικά στα δόντια. Η σακχαρίνη, γνωστή για τις καρκινογόνες ιδιότητές της στα ζώα, επίσης περιέχεται στην οδοντόκρεμα. Η χρωστική ουσία Cl 42090 επίσης έχει βρεθεί ότι προκαλεί καρκίνο στα ζώα και έχει απαγορευθεί στην Αυστρία, το Βέλγιο, τη Γαλλία, τη Γερμανία, τη Νορβηγία, την Ελβετία και τη Σουηδία. Η T..... περιέχει Triclosan, το οποίο υπό συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες, συνδυάζεται με το χλώριο που υπάρχει στο νερό της βρύσης και παράγει χλωροφόρμιο, το οποίο απορροφάται εύκολα από το δέρμα ή εισπνέεται και μπορεί να προκαλέσει κατάθλιψη, προβλήματα στο ήπαρ και καρκίνο.

6. Άρωμα: Τα αρώματα παρασκευάζονται από τις ίδιες νευροτοξικές ουσίες που εντοπίζονται σε γόμμες και συγκολλητικά, αν και σε μικρότερες ποσότητες. Το άρωμα E........ περιέχει 41 συστατικά, το 80% των οποίων δεν έχει δοκιμαστεί για να διαπιστωθεί πόσο ασφαλή είναι στους ανθρώπους. Τα υπόλοιπα είναι γνωστές νευροτοξίνες, αλεργιογόνα, καθώς και ουσίες που διαταράσσουν τις ορμόνες.

7. Ζελ ξυρίσματος: Με την βοήθεια του (όνομα...............), πρωταγωνιστή της διαφημιστικής τους εκστρατείας, τα προϊόντα για το ξύρισμα της (όνομα....) έχουν κατακτήσει την ανδρική ψυχή. Το ζελ ξυρίσματος Μ....., ωστόσο περιέχει ουσίες ερεθιστικές για το δέρμα, όπως η τριεθανολαμίνη, τρεις δυνάμει καρκινογόνες ουσίες (πολυτετραφλουροεθυλένιο, BHT, Cl 42090) και τρεις τοξίνες ή ρυπαντές που ενεργούν στο κεντρικό νευρικό σύστημα (ισοπεντάνιο, άρωμα και ισοβουτάνιο). "

Πέμπτη 15 Μαΐου 2008

Ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για μια άλλη προσέγγιση στα μυοσκελετικά προβλήματα:



Η Αρωματοθεραπεία είναι μια πανάρχαια μέθοδος θεραπείας και περιποίησης, που αξιοποιεί τις δυνάμεις της φύσης, αφού στηρίζεται στις ευεργετικές ιδιότητες κυρίως των αιθερίων ελαίων αλλά και των φυτικών ελαίων. Απευθύνεται στις δυο πολύ συνδεδεμένες αισθήσεις, την αφή και την όσφρηση.
Από τη λίθινη εποχή μέχρι τους αρχαίους πολιτισμούς των Αιγυπτίων, των Ρωμαίων και των Περσών τα φύτα χρησιμοποιούνται για να εξαίρουν την απόλαυση και να επιτείνουν τη σωματική και πνευματική ευφορία. Είτε μέσω ενός αρωματικού μπάνιου ή μασάζ, είτε με τον αρωματισμό του χώρου ή ακόμη μέσω μιας εντατικής φυτικοφαρμακευτικής αγωγής, τα φυτά χρησιμοποιούνται εδώ και χιλιάδες χρόνια για την προστασία από σωματικές και πνευματικές αδιαθεσίες.
Η χρήση τους ξεκινά ανάμεσα στην προκατάληψη και την αλήθεια και φτάνει σήμερα στο 2000 στα χέρια των επιστημόνων πια φαρμακοποιών και στα Πανεπιστημιακά εργαστήρια να ορίζεται, να προσδιορίζεται και να ελέγχεται. Ετσι μπορούμε να δόσουμε τους ακόλουθους ορισμούς:
Αιθέριο έλαιο: Είναι το προϊόν που προέρχεται από τα φυτά με απόσταξη με υδρατμούς.

1. Μονοτερπένια: άκυκλα, μονοκυκλικά, δικυκλικά.
2. Σεσκιτερπένια: άλειφατικά, μονοκυκλικά, δικυκλικά, τρικυκλικά.

Τα αιθέρια λάδια που χρησιμοποιούνται στην αρωματοθεραπεία πρέπει:
1. Να προέρχονται από γνωστές και επιβεβαιωμένες πηγές.
2. Η σύστασή τους να είναι πλήρως διευκρινισμένη.
3. Να είναι ποιοτικά άριστα.
Για το λόγο αυτό η INSA (Scientific Institute οf Aromatology) εκδίδει πιστοποιητικό που επιβεβαιώνει την υψηλή ποιότητα και τεχνολογία των αιθερίων ελαίων.
Τα αιθέρια λάδια χαρακτηρίζονται απο τρείς παραμέτρους:
Α. The botanic species
B. The producing organ
Γ. The biochemical specificity.

Τα αναγκαία κριτίρια για την ταυτοποίηση ενός αιθέριου ελαίου είναι:
1. Ο αριθμός αναφοράς(κωδικός αριθμός)
2. Η περιοχή παραγωγής του (προέλευση)
3. Οι γενικές οργανοληπτικές ιδιότητες του (χρώμα, οσμή)
4. Η μέθοδος παραλαβής του
5. Οι φυσικές του ιδιότητες (ειδικό βάρος, δείκτης διάθλασης, στροφική ικανότητα)
6. Η χημική σύστασή του
Οι παραπάνω παράγοντες μαζί με τις τρείς παραμέτρους συνιστούν την κάρτα ταυτότητας του αιθερίου ελαίου.

Τα αιθέρια έλαια χρησημεύουν στα φυτά στο να απωθούν ορισμένα έντομα, εμποδίζοντας έτσι την καταστροφή των φύλλων και των ανθέων, ή στο να προσελκείουν έντομα ώστε να διευκολύνεται η διαδικασία της γονιμοποίησης. Επίσης, διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην αποβολή από το φυτό ορισμένων ανεπιθύμητων προιόντων μεταβολισμού, δηλαδή λειτουργούν ως μέσα αποτοξίνωσης.
Σήμερα, η χρήση των αιθέριων ελαίων βρίσκει εφαρμογές στην αρωματοποϊία, στα καλλυντικά και στη βιομηχανία ως βελτιωτικά οσμής και γεύσης. Στη θεραπευτική εμφανίζουν ευρύ φάσμα ιδιοτήτων που οφείλεται στη χημική τους ετερογένεια.

Το μυοσκελετικό σύστημα αποτελέιται από οστά, μύες και συνδέσμους, προσδίδει την μορφή του ανθρωπίνου σώματος αλλά και εξυπηρετεί βασικές λειτουργείες του.
Η αρωματοθεραπεία είναι μια θεραπευτική μέθοδος που από μόνη της ή συμπληρωματικά με κάποια άλλη αγωγή μπορεί να συμβάλλει στην αποκατάσταση των προβλημάτων του μυοσκελετικού συστήματος.
Ο μηχανισμός δράσης τους στηρίζεται στην διαδερμική απορρόφησή τους που αποτελείται από τα ακόλουθα στάδια:

Συνδυάζεται άριστα σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις με τη μάλαξη (μασάζ) δηλ. την άσκηση ρυθμικής πίεσης και τάσης που επιφέρει μηχανικό ερεθισμό στους ιστούς. Η πίεση συμπιέζει τους μαλακούς ιστούς και μετακινεί τις νευρικές απολήξεις των υποδοχέων, με τον ίδιο τρόπο που ενεργεί και η τάση. Η χρησημοποίηση των δύο αυτών παραγόντων:
Α. Επηρεάζει τη φλεβική, αρτηριακή και λεμφική κυκλοφορία με τη μεταβολή του αυλού των αιμοφόρων αγγείων και λεμφαγγείων
Β. Διεγείρει τους εξωϋποδοχείς του δέρματος, τους ιδιοϋποδοχείς των μυών και των τενόντων και τους εσωϋποδοχείς στους βαθύτερους ιστούς του σώματος.
Γ. Βοηθά την αποβολή των προιόντων μεταβολισμού των κυττάρων
Συμπερασματικά μπορεί να λεχθεί ότι τα αποτελέσματα της αρωματοθεραπείας και της μαλαξοθεραπείας οφείλονται τόσο στους Φυσικούς (μηχανικούς) όσο και στους Φυσιολογικούς (αντανακλαστικών) και Ψυχολογικούς παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν..
Η μάλαξη όπως και άλλοι τύποι θεραπείας δεν είναι αποτελεσματική σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις. Πρέπει λοιπόν να χρησημοποιείται μόνο στην θεραπεία των νόσων που μπορούν να ευεργετηθούν από αυτή.
Η χρήση επιθεμάτων (κομπρέσες) και η λουτροθεραπεία είναι δύο ακόμη μέθοδοι μέσω των οποίων εφαρμόζεται η αρωματοθεραπεία στα προβλήματα του μυοσκελετικού συστήματος.

Λαμβάνεται από το φυτό Lavandula angustifolia P.Miller. Aπαντά σε όλη την Ελλάδα όπου είναι γνωστό με το όνομα αγριολεβάντα, λαμπρή, μαυροκέφαλο, χαμολίβανο.Τα άνθη του είναι σωληνοειδή χρώματος κυανού και η συλλογή τους γίνεται από τον Ιούνιο έως και τον Σεπτεμβριο, ενώ υποβάλλονται αμέσως σε απόσταξη για την παραλαβή του αιθέριου ελαίου, διότι με τη ξήρανση και την παραμονή των ανθέων μειώνεται η περιεκτικότητά τους, ενώ μπορεί να αλλάξει και η σύστασή τους.
Συστατικά: Το κύριο συστατικό των άνθεων είναι το αιθέριο έλαιο σε περιεκτικότητα 0,5% σε φρέσκα άνθη. Είναι άχρωμο ή κιτρινωπό με ευχάριστη οσμή και καυστική γεύση. Αποτελείται κυρίως από εστέρες του οξεικού λιναλυλίου 30-60%, τερπενικές αλκοόλες όπως λιναλοόλη,
· Ρευματισμοί (Μασάζ, κομπρέσες)
· Διαστρέματα (κομπρέσες)
· Μυϊκοί πόνοι (Μασάζ, λουτροθεραπεία)
· Ρευματοειδής αρθρίτιδα (Μασάζ, ψυχρές κομπρέσες)
· Μυϊκοί σπασμοί (Μασάζ)
Λαμβάνεται από το φυτό Rosmarinus officinalis. Aπαντά σε πετρώδεις τόπους της Πελοποννήσου, της Β. Ελλάδας και στα νησιά του Ιονίου. Είναι γνωστό με τα κοινά ονόματα δεντρολίβανο, διοσμαρίνη ή ροσμαρίνη. Το αιθέριο έλαιο παραλαμβάνεται από τα φύλλα και τα άνθη του φυτού με απόσταξη.
Συστατικά: Το κύριο συστατικό της δρόγης είναι το αιθέριο έλαιο που αποτελείται από 0,8-6% εστέρες εκπεφρασμένους σε εστέρες βορνεόλης, τερπενικές αλκοόλες, τερπενικούς υδρογονάνθρακες (καμφένιο,πινένιο) , κινεόλη, βορνεόλη, D και DL-καμφουρά.
· Ρευματισμοί (Μασάζ, κομπρέσες)
· Διαστρέματα (κομπρέσες,εντριβές)
· Μυϊκοί πόνοι (Μασάζ, λουτροθεραπεία)
· Ρευματοειδής αρθρίτιδα (Μασάζ, ψυχρές κομπρέσες)
· Μυϊκοί σπασμοί (Μασάζ)
Λαμβάνεται από τα υπέργεια τμήματα του φυτού Μajorana hortensis ή Origanum majorana. Το φυτό είναι πολυετής και αυτοφυής πόα στην κεντρική Ευρώπη και στις χώρες της Μεσογείου. Στην Ελλάδα είναι γνωστό με το όνομα μαντζουράνα. Η δρόγη συλλέγεται πριν την άνθησή της τους μήνες Ιούνιο και Ιούλιο και ξηραίνεται σε καλά αεριζόμενους χώρους ή σε ξηραντήρια σε θερμοκρασία μέχρι 45°C. Το αιθέριο έλαιο λαμβάνεται με απόσταξη.
Συστατικά: Το κύριο συστατικό του φυτού είναι το αιθέριο έλαιο που αποτελείται, κύρια, από τερπενικούς υδρογονάνθρακες και α-τερπινεόλη.
· Μυϊκοί πόνοι (Μασάζ, λουτροθεραπεία)
· Ρευματοειδής αρθρίτιδα (Μασάζ, ψυχρές κομπρέσες)
· Μυϊκοί σπασμοί (Μασάζ)

100ml Arnica solution,
20 σταγόνες Cypress
20 σταγόνες Pine
20 σταγόνες Rosemary
Χρήση εξωτερική: κομπρέσες για άμεση ανακούφιση
Πιασμένοι μύες
100ml Almond oil
10 σταγόνες Cedarwood
10 σταγόνες Ginger
10 σταγόνες Lavender
Χρήση εξωτερική: μασάζ
Πόνοι πλάτης
200ml ζεστό νερό
5 σταγόνες Rosemary
5 σταγόνες Clove
Χρήση εξωτερική: κομπρέσες
Ρευματικός πόνος στο γόνατο (Πάπυρος Ebers, Αίγυπτος 1550 πχ)
Frankincense, Rosemary, Cumin oil, άλατα χαλκού, ζωικό λίπος
Χρήση εξωτερική: κομπρέσες

1. Σουλελές, Χ. Μαθήματα Φαρμακογνωσίας, Θεσσαλονίκη 1992
2. Σουλελές, Χ. Γενική Φαρμακογνωσία – Δρογοχημεία, Θεσσαλονίκη 1988
3. Lawless, J. Aromatherapy, Eds Element Books Limited, 1997
4. Worth, Y. Massage: a step-by-step guide, Eds Element Books Limited, 1997

Κυριακή 6 Απριλίου 2008

Ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα

Το ανοσοποιητικό μας σύστημα είναι το τείχος προστασίας ενάντια σε όλες τις ασθένειες. Υπάρχουν διάφοροι παράγοντες που το "ρίχνουν" και άλλοι που το ενισχύουν. Οι παράγοντες αυτοί μπορεί να είναι διατροφικοί, ψυχολογικοί, περιβαλλοντικοί, η κόπωση ή το στρες, η έλλειψη δραστηριότητας κ.α. Στο παρακάτω άρθρο προτείνονται διάφοροι τρόποι ενίσχυσης του ανοσοποιητικού, οι οποίοι περιλαμβάνουν συμπληρώματα διατροφής, κατανάλωση συγκεκριμένων "θαυματουργών" τροφών, άσκηση, διαλογισμό, αλλά και κάποιες "απαγορευμένες" θεραπείες. Δυνατό ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα σημαίνει προστασία από τις ιώσεις αλλά και πρόληψη σημαντικότερων ασθενειών.

Immunity Boosting

The body's own immune system, if sufficiently strengthened and boosted by natural means, can resist or surmount an attack by any natural biological organism. Other deadly organisms exist today which are not natural in origin, but rather have been bioengineered in genetic engineering laboratories located mostly in the United States. These pathogens were intentionally designed to circumvent and cripple the body's immune system and ensure the lethality of the disease. Two well known bioengineered diseases are AIDS and Ebola. There are some new 'mystery' diseases which have recently made their appearance and yet other virulent bioengineered diseases which are waiting in the wings for the 'right time' (see Population Control under New World Order ). Bioengineered organisms require special consideration and technologies to defeat them, but they are defeatable.
The main focus of our organization is the promotion of non-pharmaceutical medicine. We all possess the innate ability to protect ourselves from disease. This wondrous disease prevention system is the immune system, which has been , much like the value of proper nutrition, largely forgotten and ignored. Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to boost the immune system.
The overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, and the lack of information concerning immunity boosting has left the average American's immune system efficiency level at 40% or 50%, at best. Some countries, like Japan, have a traditional diet that creates a stronger immune system and consequently Japanese people (who embrace the traditional diet) usually live a longer lifespan. It's no coincidence that Japanese women are among the longest living people on the planet.

Forbidden Cures
The health innovations discussed on our Forbidden Cures page all provide remarkable ways to heal yourself of a wide variety of conditions, and boost your immune system. The following are a few alternative therapies that we currently offer information on (the "Forbidden Cures" page will be greatly expanded in the near future):
Click on any of the links below to see their respective sections
Colloidal Silver
Oxygen Therapies
Electro Medicine
Nutritional Therapies


[Flax Seed Oil Sodium Ascorbate Cayenne Pepper]
There is so much to be said about supplements that we will not even attempt to cover everything, as there are already a number of organizations who have constructed websites with a wealth of information on this topic (many of these can be found on our links page). However, we will provide you with information on a few of the more extraordinary supplements that we have found to be especially effective for general immunity boosting, as well as treatment of specific ailments:
Flax Seed Oil

Over-consumption of "bad" highly saturated fats, low in essential fatty acids (EFA's) results in fat deposition causing obesity and fatty degeneration. When "good" unsaturated fats rich in EFA's are added to the diet, food utilization and energy production are enhanced and less fat is deposited. The richest source of Omega 3 fatty acids is flax seed oil with 55-65% Omega 3 and 15-25% Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are essential but are less likely to be deficient in the American diet.
EFA's and their derivatives serve a number of vital functions including transport and metabolism of both cholesterol and triglycerides, normal brain development and function, required in the structure of cell membranes, increase metabolic rate, oxygen uptake and energy production, slow down growth of cancer cells, candida and other anaerobic organisms, production of prostaglandins and replenish skin oils to combat dryness and wrinkling.
Conditions associated with fatty degeneration include cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, acne and other skin conditions, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibro-sis, glandular atrophy, asthma, kidney, liver and gall bladder problems. In addition to general immunity boosting, flax seed oil has proven to be effective in the following conditions: Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, tumors, Obesity, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Skin conditions, Glandular atrophy, Liver and gall bladder, Kidney problems, etc.
Our reccomended dosage is one or two teaspoons daily. Although taking flax seed oil by swigging it down or by the spoonful is not very palatable, so you may wish to add it to foods. Here are some suggestions: dip your bread into it, add it to your hot or cold cereal, or spray it over your popcorn. Here is a simple salad dressing featuring flax seed oil:
Flax Seed Oil Basic Salad Dressing

4 tablespoons organic flax seed oil 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 medium garlic clove, crushed Pinch of seasoned salt or salt-free seasoning Fresh ground pepper to taste
Jazz up this basic recipe to your own personal taste by using your favorite herbs and spices. Place all ingredients into a bowl and whisk together until smooth and creamy. This recipe is quick and delicious!

Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C)
Sodium Ascorbate powder is a non-acidic form of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has intrinsic antiviral and antibacterial activity though its main effect is improvement in host resistance. Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C Powder) may be beneficial in: General immunity boosting, helping to ward off or prevent colds & flus, assisting the healing of wounds, aiding the body in fighting infection, etc.
Unlike most animals that produce their own Vitamin C, the human body does not synthesize any. Whether for general immunity boosting or for the treatment of a specific condition, one requires more Vitamin C than our contemporary diet supplies. The amount of vitamin C you take daily determines its effectiveness. 60 mg per day is the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance for adults). This is easily obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. 500 mg to 5 gm (grams) per day has proven to be beneficial in the prevention of colds, and general immunity boosting. However, Vitamin C dosage of over 1 gm can realistically only be obtained through supplements.
Sodium Ascorbate provides, on average, between 4 and 5 gm of Vitamin C per teaspoon. Our reccomendation for general immunity boosting is one teaspoon (approximately 4.5 gm) daily. If you are experiencing cold symptoms, we suggest a dosage of 4 to 5 gm (usually one teaspoon) per hour. If this treatment is started in the early stages of a cold, it will often fail to develop. If the cold has already developed, this treatment will usually lessen the effect of the cold, and speed recovery. Dissolving the powder in water (or juice, if you find the taste especially unpleasant) is the preferred method of consumption.
Sodium Ascorbate appears to be the most well-known Vitamin C supplement, although there are a number of others available. They are as follows:
Calcium Ascorbate
This seems to be nearly as well-known as Sodium Ascorbate. If you cannot find Sodium Ascorbate, this will perform virtually the same effect. The proponents of calcium ascorbate claim that calcium in this form of vitamin C is well utilized.
Magnesium Ascorbate
Magnesium is essential for calcium utilization.
Potassium Ascorbate
The addition of potassium may lower blood pressure.
Zinc Ascorbate
The zinc may give an added boost to the immune system.
Manganese Ascorbate
Chromium Ascorbate

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum)
Perhaps the single most wonderful and most beneficial herb in the entire herbal kingdom is Capsicum, or Cayenne Red Pepper. Many herbalists have said that if they could have only one herb to work with, they would choose Capsicum.
Cayenne is a pepper well known for its benefits to the circulatory system. It aids the body to balance pressure levels and resist abnormal bleeding. Cayenne is also used as an overall digestive aid: It stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves metabolism, and even helps relieve gas. It appears to have a beneficial effect on blood fats as well. This plant assists in the body's utilization of other herbs, when used in an herbal combination. When applied topically, it helps relieve minor discomfort.
According to a 1987 study published in the Journal of Bioscience, rats fed a diet high in cayenne experienced a significant reduction in blood triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. Capsaicin, a compound found in cayenne that gives the spice its "kick," is an antiinflammatory. Recently, cayenne has been used successfully to treat patients with cluster headaches, a particularly painful type of headache. Used externally, cayenne liniment can soothe the stiffness and pain of rheumatism and arthritis.
Cayenne will work nicely as a general immune booster, or as an addition to treatment of almost any ailment. Our reccomended dosage is as follows 1/4 to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, taken with plenty of water or juice at mealtime, unless instructed otherwise. If using Cayenne capsules, take 2-3 three times a day with with a large glass of water, unless instructed otherwise.

Peace & Relaxation

[Meditation Yoga Tai Chi]
One of the best ways to lower your immune system and make yourself sick is stress. Similarly, negative emotions like worry and anger will also lower your immune system. So as you might expect, one good way to boost your immune system, as well as to improve the general quality of your life, is to eliminate these negative emotions.
The following are methods of doing this which we have found to be effective: Meditation

[General Meditation Focused Breathing Visualization Transcendental Meditation]
Meditation has become increasingly popular in the western world. It provides a simple way to relax yourself, relieve stress, boost your immune system, and create more well-being and happiness in your life. The method of meditation you choose is not so important as achieving the desired result--a quiet mind, which promotes inner peace and relaxation. There are many different types of meditation, and our suggestion to you is to choose whatever you enjoy and feels right. If you're not very familiar with meditation, here are a few techniques we reccomend:
General Meditation:

"There's nothing to it!" is something I often here when someone is describing general meditation, and franky, it's absolutely true. General meditation is as simple as quieting your mind. Find a quiet place and time when you won't be disturbed, close your eyes, and clear your mind of any thoughts. Sit like this, attempting to eliminate all thoughts and experience total peace, for whatever period of time feels comfortable. Often beginners find it difficult to meditate for more than five or ten minutes. If you find yourself in such a situation, don't despair. You will find yourself able to sit for longer and longer intervals as time progresses. If you have never meditated before, consider starting your meditations in intervals of five minutes. When you feel comfortable, increase your intervals to ten minutes. When you feel comfortable with that, try to move to fifteen minutes, and continue like this until you feel a length of time that suits you. Many experienced meditators, including Deepak Chopra, meditate for thirty minutes in the morning and at night, as well as for thirty minutes in the afternoon if they feel stressed.
Focused Breathing:

Focused breathing is another very popular, yet tremendously simple, meditation. As in general meditation, find a quiet time and place where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes, and clear you mind of any thoughts. From there, focus on your breathing. Focus on the in-breath, and the out-breath. This is also commonly known as conscious breathing, because as opposed to our normal breathing which we do not focus on or attempt to control, "focused breathing" is consciously monitored and controlled. You simply "watch" yourself breath, so to speak, and attempt to bring your breaths to a slow, rhythmic pace (whatever pace feels comfortable to you). By focusing on your breath, you draw your attention to that, and eliminate random thoughts, which creates a feeling of inner peace. To help focus on their breath, people will often draw their attention to the air entering their nostrils, and the air leaving their mouth. You may also wish to draw your attention to the rising and falling of your chest. Use whatever method you feel comfortable with. As for controlling the pace of your breath, some people count a certain number of seconds between each breath and attempt to maintain this slow, rhythmic, controlled pace. Others prefer not to count. Other use different techniques still. We suggest you use whatever feels comfortable to you.

Visualization can be used to achieve a variety of results. One simple visualization for general well-being and stress-reduction is to first quiet yourself and begin as you would in general meditation or focused breathing, then visualize yourself inhaling golden or white light/energy, and exhaling gray, stale, old energy. The white or golden light represents new, fresh, rejuvenating energy, while the gray energy represents any stress, unhappiness, worries, anger, or other negative emotions you may be holding inside you. This visualization is a great way to release the stress and tension of the day, and give yourself more energy. If you have a specific ailment you are trying to relieve yourself of, visualize the same white or golden energy surrounding the area of your body which is in need of healing. Focus on that white or golden light/energy healing and energizing that area of your body. Continue focusing this healing energy on the afflicted area of your body for whatever time period feels comfortable to you. Try to repeat this procedure daily or multiple times daily if you feel compelled to do so. As always, do what feels right for you.
Transcendental Meditation:

There is much to be said about Transcendental meditation, but I will just cover it briefly here, as there are many sources of information on this topic. Transcendental meditation uses a "mantra"--a word or phrase which is repeated throughout the duration of the meditation--to focus oneself on that one word or phrase, thereby allowing all random throughts to be released. To begin, prepare yourself as you would doing any of the other meditations listed here, then find a mantra which feels good to you (you should be able to find many of these if you do a little searching) and repeat it either aloud or silently for whatever period of time feels comfortable to you. The following are two well-known mantras which you may care to experiment with:
"OM MANI PADME UM" (OHM MAH NEE PAHD MEH UM) Of course because these are traditional they are not English mantras, so you may or may not wish to use them. If you can think of an English word or phrase, such as "Love" or "Peace" or "God", which feels good to you, by all means, don't hesitate to use it.
Yoga Means Union. Although many people think this term refers to union between body and mind or body, mind and spirit, the traditional acceptance is union between the Jivatman and Paramatman, that is between one's individual consciousness and the Universal Consciousness. Therefore Yoga refers to a certain state of consciousness as well as to methods that help one reach that goal or state of union with the divine.
Yoga increases strength and flexibility, improves circulation, promotes well-being, and provides relief for common postural and chronic pain problems. Anyone can practice yoga. You don't have to be young, fit or supple. You start from where you are at this moment. Each individual works within her/his own level of comfort listening to their own body's messages.
Yoga is completely non competitive. Each person is coming to Yoga for their own health and well being. There is pressure on us to be competitive in all sorts of areas, and it is a great relief and pleasure to find a style of exercise that is loving and nuturing, that connects us to a source of stability and peace within, that truely gives us a "time out", a break from the cares of the day, time to just be ourselves. One comes away from practice feeling energized, but calm and ready to deal situations on any level.
If you would like more information Yoga, please see the links page.
Tai Chi
Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that is primarily practiced for its health benefits, including a means for dealing with tension and stress. Among the martial arts, there are two basic types: the "hard" martial arts and the "soft" martial arts. The latter are also called internal arts. Examples of the hard martial arts are karate and kung fu (or wushu). Examples of the soft martial arts are ba gua and tai chi.
Tai chi emphasizes complete relaxation, and is essentially a form of meditation, or what has been called "meditation in motion." Unlike the hard martial arts, tai chi is characterized by soft, slow, flowing movements that emphasize force, rather than brute strength. Though it is soft, slow, and flowing, the movements are executed precisely.
There are several organizations and individuals who have constructed wonderfully detailed websites on this topic. Rather than duplicate their efforts, please see their websites for more information on this topic:
The Patience T'ai Chi Association
Yang Style Tai Chi Homepage
Qi - The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness
Knud Erik Andersens Tai Chi Chuan Institute Homepage
For more information on meditation, yoga, or tai chi, please see our links page.

Exercise stimulates circulation, improves muscle tone, improves cardiac function and boosts immunity. It is also a way to eliminate toxins from the body. Exercise is a critical component in the elimination of "poisons"--such as myriad toxins that build up in the body as a result of regular bodily processes in addition to man-made chemicals--from the body for three simple reasons. First, when we exercise we breathe more deeply, more forcefully and more often. In doing so, we release toxic by-products through the lungs. Second, when we exercise we also perspire. Perspiration is another means to eliminate metabolic waster material from the body. Finally, muscular activity is the only way to move waste material through the lymphatic vessels. If we don't sweat, don't breathe heavily and don't move our muscles, these toxins must find another way out. Unfortunately, they usually remain in the body, only to foul the biochemical machinery that makes our immune system operate efficiently. The result: susceptibility to illness.
An article published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine illustrates the effect exercise can have on infections. In this study, only 45 minutes of brisk walking per day was shown to lower the incidence of upper respiratory symptoms, cut the duration of illness in half and increase natural killer-cell activity in people prone to upper respiratory tract infections.
The exercise credo of the eighties, "no pain, no gain," has fortunately given way to a more realistic notion that moderate exercise confers as many health benefits as strenuous exercise. Moderate exercisers have the added benefit of suffering fewer injuries as well. In fact, highly strenuous training can temporarily weaken immune function. While such intensive training is what some prefer, rest assured that something as simple as a daily walk will provide your body with health and immune benefits. If you enjoy sports, or other physical pastimes such as dancing or hiking, that will provide a more than adequate way to get the exercise your body needs. The key is, no matter how you get your exercise, to do it regularly and make sure it's fun! (If you have an existing medical condition, see your doctor before embarking on any exercise plan.)

Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2008

Μεταβολική θεραπεία (2)

Η συνέχεια του προηγούμενου ποστ. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το θέμα στους συνδέσμους στο τέλος του άρθρου.
The use of Amygdalin (Vitamin B-17) in Metabolic Cancer Therapy. Francisco Contreras, M.D.Oasis of Hope Hospital

Amygdalin's Mode of Action

Metabolism is the total function of our body. In order for our body to function properly, all its attributes (physical, mental, and spiritual) must work in harmony. Total care is the goal of metabolic therapy. Metabolic therapy elements are utilised in order to provide our human organism the best environment to combat disease and regain health.
Metabolic therapy is a non-toxic cancer treatment based on the use of Vitamin B- 17, proteolytic pancreatic enzymes, immuno-stimulants, and vitamin and mineral supplements (see Phase I and II on page 28). Laetrile (B-17) is the chief anti-tumour agent. It is a natural chemotherapeutic agent found in over 1,200 plants, particularly in the seeds of common fruits such as apricots, peaches, plums, and apples. It is also a diglucoside with cyanide radical that is highly "bio-accessible." This means that it penetrates through the cellular membrane reaching high intra-cellular concentrations easily. This cyanide radical is what once made the vitamin controversial, but over the years, it has been proven that amygdalin is completely safe and non-toxic. The normal cells in our organism contain an enzyme called Rhodanese which "neutralises" the amygdalin. This enzyme does not allow the amygdalin to release the cyanide. In this way, amygdalin only serves as glucose to healthy cells providing energy. Malignant cells do not contain this enzyme. In the absence of Rhodanese, the amygdalin is activated liberating the cyanide radical inside the malignant cell causing its destruction. This is the way God creates things: Only cancer cells are destroyed but normal ones are not affected. As the amygdalin attacks unhealthy cells, it transforms into a silicate, which is much like aspirin. It contributes greatly to pain control. The hundreds of clinical studies conducted by many competent physicians around the world, including those directed by Dr. Emesto Contreras Rodriguez at the Oasis of Hope Hospital hospital in Mexico, give us complete confidence that there is no danger.

Μεταβολική θεραπεία και καρκίνος

Σύμφωνα με τη θεωρία που παρουσιάζεται ακολούθως ο καρκίνος δεν είναι, όπως πιστεύουμε σήμερα, ασθένεια ενός οργάνου, αλλά ασθένεια που προκαλείται από την έλλειψη κάποιων συστατικών, όπως π.χ. το σκορβούτο από την έλλειψη της βιταμίνης C.
by Harold W. Manner, Ph.D.
Metabolic Research Foundation in collaboration with
Manner Memorial Hospital and Cyto Pharma de Mexico, S.A


In Recent years a significant reassessment of the nature and causes of cancer has taken place. Cancer was formerly believed to be a localised disease, characterised by a lesion, usually in the form of a growth, which appeared at some specific part of the body. This Localised lesion was thought to be the result of activity produced by an invading virus, carcinogenic agent or some form of trauma such as a blow.

Today, there is a growing conviction among researchers and physicians that cancer is a complex disease that is the end result of a disturbed metabolism (body chemistry). It is an insidious disease that involves the entire body; the nervous system, digestive tract, pancreas, lungs, excretory organs, endocrine system, and the entire defence mechanisms. The frequent reoccurrence of a malignancy after treatment with the conventional methods of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy results because the basic underlying metabolic cause of the cancer is rarely considered and consequently remains uncorrected.

Cancer Aetiology

In the human body there are many thousands of cells that are arrested, during development, at an embryonic stage. These cells are called mesenchymal cells, fibroblasts, neoblasts, etc. Their primary function is repair. When a bone is broken, these cells are able to transform into bone cells. If blood is lost, these same cells are able to transform into blood cells. They are truly pluripotential and can react to any number of morphogenetic stimuli. These same cells, when subjected to carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) develop into cancer cells. Each day, in every human being, large numbers of these normal embryonic cells become cancerous. They rarely, however, become the diseases that we call cancer due to a remarkable system called the immune system. The function of this system is to destroy or neutralise all foreign material in the body. Once an embryonic cell becomes a cancer cell it is, from a biochemical view, foreign to the body. We, therefore, continue to remain healthy because the lymphocytes, macrophages, and other components of the immune system are able to neutralise or destroy these cells and prevent their spreading and multiplication. These cancer cells are normally destroyed by our body's defence mechanisms within a few hours.

If the immune system, however, is weakened from poor nutrition, excessive environmental pollutants or continuing debilitating stress, the cancer cells are uninhibited and will multiply rapidly forming the symptomatic "growth" of cancer. Our immune system generally weakens with advancing age. This increases the possibility of degenerative metabolic diseases occurring. One of the primary objectives of all metabolic therapy is to revitalise the body's immune system and to restore it to a fully functional condition. Accomplishment of this goal permits the immune system to eliminate or otherwise negate the cancer cells before they can begin an invasive growth.

Metabolic Physicians and researchers believe that we can remain healthy if we supply the individual cells of the body with the proper amounts of oxygen, nutrients, enzymes, minerals, amino acids, and other essential nutrients from both our diet and nutritional supplements. Of equal importance is the ability of the body to eliminate the waste products of cellular metabolism through proper bowel movements, efficient breathing, normal excretion, etc. Treatments must be provided which will help the body detoxify itself by eliminating harmful pollutants. This, in essence, is the heart of metabolic therapy. It is a multi-faceted program incorporating numerous related elements, each of which plays an important role in the success of the complete therapy.

Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2008


Είναι άσχετο με το περιεχόμενο του ιστολόγιου, αλλά ως Μακεδόνας δεν μπορώ να μην το δημοσιεύσω. Με πέντε κουβέντες περιγράφει τα Ελληνικά επιχειρήματα (όπως θα έπρεπε να διατυπώνονται από τους "διαπραγματευτές" μας) και την ιστορική αλήθεια. Διαδώστε το!





Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου 2008

Hydrogen Peroxide - H2O2

The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide

By Dr. David G. Williams
Posted July 17, 2003
(Original title: Hydrogen Peroxide - Curse or Cure?)

When it comes to hydrogen peroxide therapy there seems to be only two points of view. Supporters consider it one of the greatest healing miracles of all time. Those opposed feel its ingestion is exceptionally dangerous, and only the foolhardy could think of engaging in such behavior. Before either condemning or endorsing hydrogen peroxide, let's take a real close look at what we're dealing with.If any substance is interesting, it's hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide should really be called hydrogen dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2. It contains one more atom of oxygen that does water (H20). By now everyone's aware of the ozone layer that surrounds the earth. Ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen (03). This protective layer of ozone is created when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an atmospheric oxygen molecule (02) into two single, unstable oxygen atoms. These single molecules combine with others to form ozone (03). Ozone isn't very stable. In fact, it will quickly give up that extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide (H202). (Bear with me: all this chemistry mumbo jumbo I'm going through actually will help you understand the importance of hydrogen peroxide.)
While we are discussing enemas and douches, there is another misconception about H202 I need to address. The friendly bacteria in the colon and vagina are aerobic. In other words, they flourish in high oxygen environments and thrive in the presence of oxygen rich H202. On the other hand, most strains of harmful bacteria (and cancer cells) are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen or H202. We can agree that hydrogen peroxide produced within individual body cells is essential for life. And no one doubts its effectiveness when it comes to treating infections topically. The controversy deals with ingesting the substance orally or introducing it into the body intravenously. The dispute has been going on for decades, and considering the attitude of our medical community, it will continue for many more decades to come.
I'll admit I was skeptical when I first learned about using H202 orally or intravenously. This healthy dose of skepticism, however, lead to a great deal of investigation, clinical work and experimentation. And while I realize a large majority of readers will probably never be convinced that H202 is a safe and effective compound, I am. Hydrogen peroxide is safe, readily available and dirt cheap. And best of all, it works! No one yet fully understands the complete workings of hydrogen peroxide. We do know that it is loaded with oxygen. (A pint of the food-grade 35% solution contains the equivalent of 130 pints of oxygen. A pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide found at the local drugstore contains 10 pints of oxygen. And a pint of the 6% solution used to bleach hair contains 20 pints of oxygen.) We also know that when H202 is taken into the body (orally or intravenously) the oxygen content of the blood and body tissues increases dramatically. Early researchers felt these increases were simply due to the extra oxygen molecule being released. This doesn't however, appear to be the case.
Only very diluted amounts of H202 are ever introduced into the body. The small amount of oxygen present couldn't be solely responsible for the dramatic changes that take place. Dr. Charles Farr, a strong proponent of intravenous use, has discovered another possible answer. Dr. Farr has shown that hydrogen peroxide stimulates enzyme systems throughout the body. This triggers an increase in the metabolic rate, causes small arteries to dilate and increase blood flow, enhances the body's distribution and consumption of oxygen and raises body temperature (Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Oxidative Medicine 1989, 1990, 1991).
We are just beginning to learn exactly how H202 works. It was reported to work as far back as 1920. The English medical journal, Lancet, then reported that intravenous infusion was used successfully to treat pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I. In the 1940's Father Richard Willhelm, the pioneer in promoting peroxide use, reported on the compound being used extensively to treat everything from bacterial-related mental illness to skin disease and polio. Father Willhelm is the founder of "Educational Concern for Hydrogen Peroxide" (ECHO, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public on the safe use and therapeutic benefits of hydrogen peroxide.)
Much of the interest in hydrogen peroxide waned in the 1940's when prescription medications came on the scene. Since that time there has been little economic interest in funding peroxide research. After all, it is dirt cheap and non-patentable. Even still, in the last 25 years, over 7,700 articles relating to hydrogen peroxide have been written in the standard medical journals. Thousands more, involving its therapeutic use, have appeared in alternative health publications. The number of conditions helped by hydrogen peroxide is astounding. The reported dangers and side effects are few and often conflicting.
Let's look at several conditions that seem to respond especially well to H202 therapy. First, keep in mind that there are two methods of administering the peroxide-1) orally and 2) intravenously. While most conditions respond remarkably to oral ingestion, emphysema is one condition in which intravenous infusion can be a godsend. Emphysema involves destruction of the alveoli (the small air sacs in the lungs). Although chemical fumes and other irritants can cause the destruction, it is most often the result of smoking. As the disease progresses, the patient finds it more and more difficult to breathe. A wheel chair and supplemental oxygen become necessary as the disease progresses.
Lack of adequate oxygen reaching the tissues forces the heart to pump more forcefully. This leads to high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart itself and eventually heart failure. Conventional medicine offers little help for emphysema. There is no cure. The best that can be hoped for is symptomatic relief and the prevention of any serious complications that might result in death. H202 therapy can offer more. Using 1 ounce of 35% peroxide per 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water in a vaporizer improves nighttime breathing tremendously. But intravenous infusion holds the real key to relief. It has the ability to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to breathe.
We continue to hear the same story from Dr. Farr and others who use intravenous infusion for emphysema and congestive lung problems. Within minutes oxygen from hydrogen peroxide begins to bubble up between the membrane lining the lungs sacs and the accumulated mucus. (Dr. Farr refers to this as the "Alka-Seltzer effect.") The patient begins to cough and expel the material that has accumulated in the lungs. The amount of bubbling, coughing, and cleansing can be regulated by simply turning the H202 on and off.
As the peroxide clears the lung surface and destroys the bacterial infections, the patient regains the ability to breath more normally. We continue to receive reports from patients for whom the technique has improved breathing so much that a wheelchair and supplemental oxygen are no longer needed. If you would like to find a doctor in your area trained in the use of intravenous H202 infusion, contact the International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation (IBOM), P.O. Box 13205 , Oklahoma City , OK 73113 at (405) 478-4266. They can provide names and addresses of doctors using the procedure in your area.
If emphysema were the only ailment successfully treated with H202 therapy, it would still rank as one of the top health discoveries of all time. Fortunately, H202 works wonders on a multitude of health problems. It does so by increasing tissue oxygen levels. A closer look at how we have decreased the availability of external and internal oxygen, will show you just how important this can be. If you were not too occupied with trying to hide dissection specimens in the other student's desks, you might remember from elementary science courses that our atmosphere contains about 20% oxygen.
That is under ideal circumstances. It has recently been reported that in many of our more polluted cities, there levels have dropped to around 10%! (I have already mentioned how less hydrogen peroxide-containing rain is reaching the earth's surface. With increased pollution it is reacting with airborne toxins before it even reaches the ground.) And everyone, by now, knows the oxygen-generating rain forests are being destroyed worldwide, which further reduces available oxygen. Internal oxygen availability is also under attack.
Chlorination of drinking water removes oxygen. Cooking and over-processing of our foods lowers their oxygen content. Unrestrained antibiotic use destroys beneficial oxygen-creating bacteria in the intestinal tract. Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany has shown that for proper cellular utilization of oxygen to take place, our diets must contain adequate amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. Unfortunately, the oils rich in these fatty acids have become less and less popular with the food industry. Their very nature makes them more biologically active, which requires more careful processing and gives them a shorter shelf-life. Rather than deal with these challenges, the food industry has turned to the use of synthetic fats and dangerous processes like hydrogenation.
It's obvious that our oxygen needs are not being met. Several of the most common ailments now affecting our population are directly related to oxygen starvation. Asthma, emphysema, and lung disease are on the rise, especially in the polluted metropolitan areas. Cases of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal parasites and bowel cancer are all on the upswing. Periodontal disease is endemic in the adult population of this country. Cancer of all forms continues to increase. Immune system disorders are sweeping the globe.
Chronic fatigue, "Yuppie Flu" and hundreds of other strange viral diseases have begun to surface. Ironically, many of the new "miracle" drugs and nutritional supplements used to treat these conditions work by increasing cellular oxygen (oftentimes through H202 formation). For example, the miracle nutrient, Coenzyme Q10, helps regulate intercellular oxidation. Organic germanium, which received considerable publicity not too long ago, also increases oxygen levels at the cellular level. And even substances like niacin and vitamin E promote tissue oxidation through their dilation of blood vessels.
Hydrogen peroxide is only one of the many components that help regulate the amount of oxygen getting to your cells. Its presence is vital for many other functions as well. It is required for the production of thyroid hormone and sexual hormones. (Mol Cell Endocrinol 86;46(2): 149-154) (Steroids 82;40(5):5690579). It stimulates the production of interferon (J Immunol 85;134(4):24492455). It dilates blood vessels in the heart and brain (Am J Physiol 86;250 (5 pt 2): H815-821 and (2 pt 2):H157-162). It improves glucose utilization in diabetics (Proceedings of the IBOM Conference 1989, 1990, 1991). The closer you look at hydrogen peroxide, the less surprising it becomes that it can help such a wide variety of conditions.
Hydrogen peroxide is available in various strengths and grades.
A) 3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use. It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn't be ingested. Various stabilizers include: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate.
B) 6% Beautician Grade: This is used in beauty shops to color hair and is not recommended for internal use.
C) 30% Reagent Grade: This is used for various scientific experimentation and also contains stabilizers. It is also not for internal use.
D) 30% to 32% Electronic Grade: This is used to clean electronic parts and not for internal use.
E) 35% Technical Grade: This is a more concentrated product than the Reagent Grade and differs slightly in that phosphorus is added to help neutralize any chlorine from the water used to dilute it.
F) 35% Food Grade: This is used in the production of foods like cheese, eggs, and whey-containing products. It is also sprayed on the foil lining of aseptic packages containing fruit juices and milk products. THIS IS THE ONLY GRADE RECOMMENDED FOR INTERNAL USE. It is available in pints, quarts, gallons or even drums. Various suppliers are mentioned later in this article.
G) 90%: This is used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel.
Only 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration, however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Any concentrations over 10% can cause neurological reactions and damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. There have been two known fatalities in children who ingested 27% and 40% concentrations of H202. Recently, a 26 month old female swallowed one mouthful of 35% H202. She immediately began vomiting, followed by fainting and respiratory arrest. Fortunately, she was under emergency room care and although she experienced erosion and bleeding of the stomach and esophagus, she survived the incident. When she was re-examined 12 days later, the areas involved had healed (J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 90;28(1):95-100).
35% Food Grade H202 must be:
1) handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin--immediate flushing with water is recommended).
2) diluted properly before use.
3) stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer).
One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle. These can be purchased at your local drugstore. Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The generally recommended dosage is outlined in the chart below. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, milk or even aloe vera juice or gel. (Don't use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!)
The program outlined is only a suggestion, but it is based on years of experience, and reports from thousands of users. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. Individuals who have had transplants should not undertake an H202 program. H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause a rejection of the organ.
Day # -Number of Drops/ Times Per Day
1 - 3 / 3
2 - 4 / 3
3 - 5 / 3
4 - 6 / 3
5 - 7 / 3
6 - 8 / 3
7 - 9 / 3
8 - 10 / 3
9 - 12 / 3
10 - 14 / 3
11 - 16 / 3
12 - 18 / 3
13 - 20 / 3
14 - 22 / 3
15 - 24 / 3
16 - 25 / 3
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:
25 drops once every other day for 1 week25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach.
This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69).
The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.
Some individuals may experience upset stomach. If this occurs it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202.) During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.
If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.
A 3.5% solution can be made quite easily by first pouring 1 ounce of 35% H202 into a pint jar. To this add 11 ounces of distilled water. This will make 12 ounces of 3.5% H202. 3.5% H202 has a variety of medicinal uses.1. Three tablespoons mixed with a quart of non-chlorinated water makes a good enema or douche formula.2. It can be used full strength as a mouthwash or mixed with baking soda for toothpaste.3. It can be used full strength as a foot bath for athlete's foot. (Diabetics have found relief from circulation problems by soaking their feet in 1 pint of 3% peroxide mixed with 1 gallon of warm, non-chlorinated water for 30 minutes nightly.)4. A tablespoon added to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray. Depending on the degree of sinus involvement, one will have to adjust the amount of peroxide used.
I have seen some who can use it at the full 3% strength and others who had difficulty with using a few drops and mixed with a cup of water.5. 3.5% H202 can be added to pets drinking water at the rate of 1 ounce per quart of non-chlorinated water. Sick cattle reportedly benefit from 1 pint (of 3%) to each 5 gallons of water. (Chickens and cows have remained healthy by using 8 ounces of 35% H202 per 1,000 gallons of drinking water.)
There are two sources you should contact if you have an interest in using hydrogen peroxide therapy. The first, ECHO, was founded by Father Richard Willhelm and is run by Walter Grotz. Their information packet includes a sample newsletter, a list of H202 distributors and several other items. The packet is being made available to interested ALTERNATIVES readers for only $3. Their address isECHO Box 126Delano , MN 55328If you have an interest in contacting doctors who provide intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy you can write to the International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation (IBOM) at the address listed earlier in this article. You should also be aware that there are now numerous hydrogen peroxide products on the market. Some are simply peroxide that has been flavored and mixed with sea minerals, aloe vera, inner tree bark or other ingredients to make the peroxide more palatable (Superoxy, Oxy Toddy, etc.).
Others claim to have developed products that deliver more oxygen than does simple hydrogen peroxide (Aerox, Anti-Oxid-10, Di-Oxychloride, Aerobic 07, Aqua Pure, etc.). Basically you'll end up paying a small fortune and at best achieving the same results you can get for pennies by using hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the few simple miracle substances still available to the public. Its safety and multiple uses ranks it right up there with DMSO. If you've never used either of these compounds you are overlooking two of the most powerful healing tools ever discovered. Most of us started on hydrogen peroxide shortly after birth. Not only does mother's milk contain high amounts of H202, the amount contained in the first milk (colostrum) is even higher.
This seems only reasonable now that we know one of its main functions is to activate and stimulate the immune system. Although I am a strong supporter of H202 therapy, I am not suggesting that everyone needs to be using it. There are probably some individuals whose health and well-being would not be enhanced with hydrogen peroxide. But there are also millions of others who are suffering needlessly because they either do not know about hydrogen peroxide or they have been misinformed about its use.

~ Afterword ~ The above copyrighted article has been reprinted with permission from Mountain House Publishing, P.O. Box 829 , Ingram , TX 78025 . It appeared in a recent issue of the health newsletter, ALTERNATIVES ($39.00/yr. 12 issues). Subscription information and/or a sample issue can be obtained by writing to the above address. Source: Family Health News